Most women are unprepared for the changes in their body during midlife. The menopause transition isn’t easy and finding good support can be daunting. We struggle with symptoms for far too long, wondering why no one told us what to expect. That’s where Lisa Health comes in. Lisa Health is the first and only digital app for women’s middle life wellbeing. Founded in San Francisco, we are a team of pre, peri-, and postmenopausal female healthcare entrepreneurs, biostatisticians and technologists – plus a few men who care deeply about women’s health. Together we envision a world where midlife women’s health is a global priority, and every woman gets the support and resources she needs to have the well-being and opportunities she deserves.

Lisa Health fuses clinical research, expertise, and the latest technology to create simple, actionable, and impactful web and mobile wellbeing programs. We want to end the silence and shame associated with menopause that prevents women from learning how to prepare for this critical time in their life, lower their midlife health risks, and be their best self every day. We’re on a mission to make this happen, and we hope you’ll join us.


Ann Garnier

Founder and CEO

Marcos Athanasoulis, Dr.PH

Chief Technology Officer

Clinical Advisors


Dr. Barb DePree

Clinical Adviser
Aimee Shu Image

Dr. Aimee Shu

Clinical Adviser

Dr. Melissa Young

Clinical Adviser

Dr. Hemalee Patel

Clinical Adviser

Business Advisors


Eric Zimmerman

Business Adviser

Brian Caffarelli

Business Adviser

Emily Peters

Business Adviser

Small Company, Big Impact

Building companies are hard work, especially if you are tackling tough problems in healthcare like midlife women’s health and menopause. It takes a village for sure. Having started and helped grow many companies, we wanted Lisa Health to reflect our values in its choices of people to join our village. Values like promoting diversity and inclusion, supporting other like-minded organizations promoting women, particularly women who are disadvantaged, acknowledging that one or two people do not alone achieve success. In the spirit of these values, we would like to recognize a few people and organizations that have been instrumental in our early growth.

We partnered with Tradecraft to design our web and mobile responsive app. Tradecraft is an immersive training program for people who want to work in start-ups. A perfect match for us! Our team was comprised mostly of women, all people of color and diverse ethnicities, all highly talented, ambitious and passionate about helping launch Lisa Health. We are incredibly grateful for their contribution, especially Pew Wutilertcharoenwong, a rising star in product design and leadership who led the team and the design.

For technical development, we knew we wanted to find women who code, preferably midlife women who have experience navigating the journey. This is not an easy task. We partnered with AnnieCannons, a non-profit based in Oakland, California, that teaches women who were formerly human trafficked or sexually abused to code. Led by two amazing women, Jessica Hubley and Laura Hackney, CEO and CTO respectively, we were impressed by their tech smarts, commitment to helping a tough population, and dedication to developing Lisa Health as a world-class app out of the gate. We also were thrilled to support an Oakland-based organization. We are indebted to this powerhouse team. 

From the start, Emily Peters, CEO of Uncommon Bold, a healthcare brand strategy and communications company, has been our brand strategist extraordinaire and chief cheerleader. We are grateful for her unwavering support and confidence in us.

There are many other people who support us as advisors, connectors, and supporters. It’s a very long list and we are indebted to all of them.

As we grow, we plan to continue to make deliberate, smart choices in our selection of who we work with. We hope that our example will inspire others who are starting companies to do the same. With a little care and attention, small companies can have an outsized impact on workplace diversity and social entrepreneurship.